Dating a Married Man or Woman – Can the relationship be successful?

Successful Relationship with a married woman or man

Wife's lover hiding in cupboard
Is it possible to have a successful relationship with someone who is married?
Statistics reveal that extra marital relationships, married dating and infidelity are incredibly commonplace. This might not surprise some of you but it is actually a trend that has been steadily increasing over the last few decades. The reasons behind it appear many and varied – from changes in societal structure to changes in the ways we treat relationships. With these things in mind we decided to take a look at the issues around dating, or having a more extensive relationship, with someone who is already married.
The key word in our title is “successful” and when it comes to married dating this really forms the crux of the issue. Having a relationship with someone who is married may entail a number of scenarios each of which will have a different impact on the success of the relationship. The married person may be in a loveless marriage, they may be tied to their partner on the basis of family and children but nothing else, they may still be in love with their spouse but be looking for something new and more exciting, their partner may be sexual inactive or unable to enjoy sex for medical or psychological reason or they may have an open relationship. These and other reasons have a great impact on the potential success of a relationship with someone who is married as they can determine the possible future of the relationship and the expectations the married person will have.
In order to judge the potential successes you then need to ask yourself what you personally are looking for from the relationship. If you are looking for a casual fling then you might be better off finding a non-married partner as you may have unforeseen impacts on a marriage. If you are looking for a more long term commitment then you need to ask yourself why this person is still with their spouse and whether they are likely, willing or able to leave their partner for you. If you are the married person in the relationship then you need to ask yourself whether you are in a position where you can discuss your desires and needs with your spouse and see if something can be worked out. If you find yourself in a position where you are likely to cause extensive harm to an existing relationship then you are likely to not have a successful relationship yourself. So make sure you understand what you want from the relationship and what your partner wants from it.
With these judgements made you also need to examine the potential successes of the relationship from a more practical standpoint. The practicalities of conducting an affair, or simply open married dating, means that you are likely to be in a relationship where you aren’t the sole object of your partner’s affections or they have to balance their time between you and their other partner. This can put a lot of strain on a relationship and can lead to jealousy and intimacy problems.
Dating someone who is married can be acceptable and it can be unacceptable. As always circumstances dictate what the best course of action is and you should make yourself sure of everything before you commence a relationship.

What can you do to improve open relationship?

Did you know that throughout the world, one out of 3 couples is together because of the dating sites?  Well, this is a two-edged sword, as a high percentage of the couples who met online some time ago, are already divorced. This is why open relationships are often preferred, as they tend to offer several advantages that for the normal relationships are non grata.

Yet, most of the people are not ready for such a relationship as they do not know exactly what this means, and more than that, they do not know what to do in order to make an open relationship resist.

For example, the first thing that needs to be done in an open relationship is to come to an agreement: both partners have to be aware of the type of their relationship. Otherwise, it will not work, 100%. Though, in this type of agreement, words are not enough, as both of the partners have to feel perfectly ok with the type of the relationship they are implicated in.

Respect is also a crucial thing. Even if the relationship may be based only on sex (just an example), respecting the other partner is crucial. And no, females are not whores if they sleep with other guys, and neither guys are not male whores is they sleep with other women. After all, in an open relationship, things like this have to be anticipated, therefore there is no excuse for not respecting the other partner.

Thirdly, it is important to have a space of your own where you can spend time with each other and be just the two of you. After all, we all need intimacy, therefore having an intimate space is mandatory.

The fourth tip is related to communication. This is not just applicable for the open relationships, as communication between partners is a must for any type of relationship in order to make the things work. Otherwise, the whole thing will destroy by itself, as none of the partners will ever trust the other.

The last tip is related to jealousy. When jealousy interferes, it means that one of the partners does not trust the other any more, therefore the whole relationship will soon crash. This is why jealousy must be avoided, even if somehow one of the partners might be affected of the actions of its partner.

As you can see from above, these type of hints make any relationship work, and not just the open ones. Use them and properly enjoy your life.